Nebraska's Centennial Mall
"When it's all done, it's going to be
beautiful, substantial, educational and
a source of pride for all Nebraskans."

Roger Larson, Wausa native and campaign leader





Legacy Tile form

When we saw the plans for reinventing Nebraska’s Centennial Mall, knew that agriculture needed to have a presence. Farmers and ranchers are the soul of this state--and it‘s important that we seize this opportunity to share the importance of our contributions to Nebraska‘s past and future.

That’s why we invite you to place an Ag Legacy Tile along the new Nebraska's Centennial Mall. Your family's story will be told on a beautiful bronze tile placed along this majestic seven-block walkway connecting our iconic State Capitol-with the campus of our outstanding land grant university, which we all know is integral to agricultural success in Nebraska.

There is even more to this opportunity. Much more.

Every Ag Legacy Tile will feature a Quick Response (QR) code that visitors can scan with their smart phones or tablet computers. The QR code will connect to a web page devoted exclusively to telling more of your family‘s story-with photos, audio and even video. Professional staff will write the stories and develop the website history with your help. This page can even be updated as your family’s heritage evolves in future years. When completed in 2015, Nebraska's Centennial Mall will be one of the first outdoor places in America to share historical information in this manner!

Imagine your great, great grandchildren rediscovering your family's Nebraska history when they visit this statewide treasure, or its website that is accessible to anyone in the worid.

Please join us and other farm and ranch families who have already seen the value of this project and made the investment in an Ag Legacy Tile. All donations are tax deductible!

Don Hutchens, Executive Director, Nebraska Corn Board          Rob Robertson, Chief Administrator, Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation

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For questions or further information,
please contact: J.J. Yost or call 402.441.7847 (office)