The redesign of Centennial Mall will recognize and celebrate the legacy of stewardship in Nebraska – past, present, and future. This strategy will allow education and story telling of the state's natural and civic history while highlighting many of the unique aspects and features of the state:
We the People ("K" to "L" Streets)
Elements on this block celebrate the democratic process that began with statehood and continues as an organized society. "Watchful citizens" and state leaders will be recognized for their contributions. The central feature of this block is a formal, ceremonial plaza with a signature fountain and design echoing the north steps of the State Capitol Building.
Our Home Nebraska ("L" to "M" Streets)
This block recognizes the natural resources of Nebraska and the critical importance of their stewardship. Water resources including Nebraska's rivers and the Ogallala Aquifer will be symbolically and literally highlighted. This area of the Mall features a large plaza with a block-wide outline of the State of Nebraska with rivers and eco-regions represented in the plaza pavement. It is envisioned that students and visitors will congregate within this area to learn more about the state.
Mosaic of Nebraskans {"M" to "P" Streets)
The three central blocks (which are open to vehicular traffic) highlight the people, cultures, and organizations that have come together over time to create a social quilt of Nebraskans. Bands of attractive and inscribable pavers along the primary walks on the east and west sides of the Mall will provide opportunities for donors to recognize a person, family, community, or organization.
Sparking the Good Life – Imagination to Innovation ("P" to "R" Streets)
Based on the prominent presence of the University, these two blocks focus on creativity sparked through innovation and education. The efforts of educators, artists, and innovators, will be highlighted and celebrated. the central feature of this area is a plaza with a kinetic water feature representing sparks of imagination and creativity; it will also include an art alcove and amphitheater-type seating area. This plaza is between the Lincoln Children's Museum and UNL's Anderson Hall housing the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.