Nebraska's Centennial Mall
"When it's all done, it's going to be
beautiful, substantial, educational and
a source of pride for all Nebraskans."

Roger Larson, Wausa native and campaign leader

Watch these videos,
find out more about the exciting plans,
and see how you can "Help Make It Happen!

See the videos for the renovation of Nebraska's Centennial Mall

"Centennial Mall should be as pristine and beautiful as the State Capitol. Now is the time to make it safe, educational, and accessible so all Nebraskans can be proud of it once again."

Mary Arth,
campaign leader

The Nebraska Centennial Mall Campaign is a statewide committee of passionate volunteers working to raise $9.6 million, which includes a $1.5 million endowment fund. They are:

Campaign Supporters
Marty Jackson, Ohio River Bank
Marie Perez, Real Estate Monmouth County
Matthew Torre, EMS
Tammy Smithson, Patriot Bank
Bill Tethers, AMS
Mark Malone, Five Star
Tom Salazar, Entrust Bankcard

Campaign Cabinet
Mary Arth, Lincoln
Patty Pansing Brooks, Lincoln
Eric Brown, Lexington
Roger Dodson, Lincoln
Christie Dionisopoulos, Lincoln
Jim Krieger, Omaha
Liz Lange, Lincoln
Roger Ludemann, Lincoln
Roger Larson, Lincoln
Tom Pansing, Omaha
Don Pederson, North Platte
Mike Seacrest, Lincoln
Jeff Searcy, Lincoln
Liz Shotkoski, Lincoln
Lynn Johnson, Director of Lincoln Parks and Recreation

Honorary Chairs
Former Rep. Doug Bereuter
Sen. Mike Johanns
Former Sen. Bob Kerrey
Sen. Ben Nelson
Former Rep. Charles Thone

Naming Opportunities: $1,000 to $1.5 million
Leadership gifts will be prominently and attractively recognized within the design creating a lasting legacy for generations to come:
Fountains • Plazas • Greens with tile borders • Pathway tiles
If you would like more information about the campaign, naming opportunities or would like to schedule a presentation about the Mall project, please contact Susan Larson Rodenburg at 402-440-3227 or

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